What is Physiotherapy?

As a Musculo-skeletal Physiotherapist I specialise in treating patients with physical conditions and injuries involving the soft tissues such as muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons and fascia, as well as joints dysfunctions and stiffness.

What can Physio do to help you?

Our focus of physio is to restore mobility, functional independence and return to sport and daily living activities. We achieved this by identifying the structural imbalance through physical assessment, then designing and implementing a treatment plan which will help address the pain/inflammation and swelling that may be present. We aim to facilitate lasting change and best outcomes for you. Although we cannot claim to provide 100% resolution of every issue,  We will however, provide treatment to steer your body in the right direction to promote healing and recovery to your maximum potential.

What you can expect from your first appointment?

Its always good to know what's entailed when visiting physio for the first time, then you can prepare accordingly!

On your first appointment we will take a full and thorough history of you and your problem. So it is worthwhile having a think, or even making some notes, about how you long you have had the problem, how you got it, what makes it better and what makes it worse.

Please bring any paperwork, scan results etc from previous medical appointments that may be relevant to the current problem.

We will then carry out a comprehensive physical examination to establish what causes your pain. This requires being directed through some specific movement patterns etc and us to see the problem area, so please dress appropriately: Lightweight non-restrictive clothing, shorts for all problems from the lower back down, girls please wear vest tops/sports bras for upper body problems.

Once assessment is completed we will discuss our findings with you, agree on a treatment plan, and commence treatment.

What conditions can we treat:

  • Sciatica
  • Back and neck pain
  • Shoulder injuries - rotator cuff strain,  frozen shoulder, impingement
  • Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) - tennis elbow, de quavain's tenosynovitis
  • Hip pain - Trochanteric Bursitis, Impingement, Arthritis
  • Knee and ankle sprains - patella tendonitis, bursitis, achilles tendonitis
  • Post surgery rehabilitation - hip/knee replacement, post fracture
  • Posture problems - muscle imbalance 
  • Work related pain and injury
  • Pregnancy pain  dysfunction - Pubic symphysie diastasis
  • Growth spurts in teens - Osgood schlatters  Severs disease
  • Chronic pain and injury

This is not an exhaustive, so please drop us a message or email if you require further information pertaining to what we treat

We may use a combination of the following Therapies:

Manual Therapy

  • Soft tissue techniques to decrease pain, breakdown scar tissue, release muscular trigger points, regain muscle length and improve mobility and function.
  • Spinal/Joint mobilization is used to restore range of motion in the neck, back and joints. 


  • Use of Ice vs. Heat.
  • Modified activities, with spaced and paced return to daily living and recreation that will help with healing and prevent exacerbation of the injury.


  • Postural advice with respect to sleep, work and recreational activities. This includes type and number of pillows, mattress, chair, car seat, desk height, computer and lighting. Correct ergonomic positions will decrease stress on the injured soft tissues (muscles, ligaments) and join


  • Ultrasound may be used to decrease pain and inflammation and to promote healing

Shockwave Therapy

  •  Recommended for treating chronic tendon pathologies - achilles tendonitis, shoulder   impingements, patella tendonitis among other prensetations

Spinal Manipulations

  • Used in the treatment of Bulging Discs, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis, Spondylolisthesis and Nerve Root compression to decrease pain and to improve spinal mobility of the neck, back and lower back.

Exercise Therapy

  • Progressive exercise program to regain flexibility, strength and function. It involves retraining muscle stability, core strength and focuses on regaining functional independence with regards to activities of daily life. It includes a home program using detail software


  • Has a positive effect on decreasing pain, releasing scar tissue/painful trigger points and restoring balanced energy flow.

Laser Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

  • Used to reduce pain and stimulate healing through reducing inflammation, both post operative and generally musculoskeletal injuries and conditions


  • Can assist in supporting the injured area thereby decreasing pain, spasm and swelling.  It can also help to improve pain free mobility and function in the healing stages of the injury. Kinesio taping comes highly recommended for those with light injuries and wish to continue playing sport.


At Ashbrooke Therapies there are no hidden charges. The price you pay is inclusive of any combination of treatment described in the therapies above. as well as the provision of resistance bands and home exercise program. So whether its acupuncture or shockwave therapy, it’s all covered.

Physio Assessment & Treatment 55 mins £48

Review 55 mins £48

Review 30 mins £32